Nike's new push "low-carbon green" national team jersey

Including Cristiano Ronaldo, Robinho, and Ji-sung Park’s more than the world’s top players will be wearing this summer, football’s most environmentally friendly and has the most advanced technology in the South African arena jersey. All Nike sponsored team (Brazil, Portugal and the Netherlands) for the first time wearing air max 2009 is made entirely of recycled polyester jersey, each using up to eight shirt recycled plastic bottles. Nike London Battersea Power Station is a global media event held by several football players on the introduction of a new national team jersey. This article comes from the textile and resources, please direct users directly in the browser, enter the Textile Resource view.
Nike Brand President Charlie Denson said: “This summer, through the participation of the greatest players the World Cup in South Africa to provide the latest and most innovative products, Nike will provide a dominant football player. According to today’s announcement, we are working Players equipped with the new designer clothes, these clothes are not only beautiful appearance, superior performance, and the use of recycled materials, reducing the impact on the environment. “
Clothing air max 24-7 to make the national team in 2010, Nike’s fabric suppliers from Japan and Taiwan dump collected waste plastic bottles, and then melted to produce new yarn, yarn eventually be converted to the new jersey fabric. This process saves raw materials and manufacture of new PET compared with up to 30% less energy consumption. Through the use of recycled PET to produce its latest series of the national team jersey, Nike prevent nearly 13 million plastic bottles (total of about 254,000 kg of polyester waste) into the landfill. These bottles enough to cover more than 29 football pitches. If the recovery of bottles used to make jersey end to end, they will be able to more than 3,000 kilometers long, more than the entire coastline of South Africa much longer.
National costume of the series is to make Nike products are more sustainable for all important step in the process.
In addition, all team apparel are designed taking into account national culture and identity. Nike athletes understand the experience of national pride in the game, so each air max ltd shirt designs reflect the tradition of nine national teams and unique football culture.
Par pickreplica le mercredi 29 décembre 2010


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