Selina engagement low key celebration

Selina air max 2009 could not help but excited to sending text messages at midnight to Ella, Hebe reported good news: "I got engaged this evening, the simple ceremony, simple rings, but the simple courage to share with you happiness and joy." In the middle of the night they immediately call to share the joy with her, envy her. Selina often recently on the show cooking microblogging according to wash their hands after marriage to make soup, relatives said she craft a good, often cooking.

Daughter tubes of any past, a great dad, and now have to be married Selina, he also entered showbiz 4 years, I understand the artist behind the ups and downs, and understand considerate daughter. He asked her to call the last filing day, and now he just to kids happy. HE good news to the middle of the night.

SMS Mrs Chang Chao favorite Selina, during which Mengkua her so quickly, air max 24-7 it will be hosting, withdrew when the stuff into a Jinzhuo make any mother whooped after informed: "I do not, the lost. friends are laugh. any dad will get to do engagement Argentina boast:" It is warm and the atmosphere very well, and he was very impressed, "any mother also said:" dream come true, They are the author's good son, a good daughter. "

Upset his mother did not prepare any gift

Two exchanged only a small engagement ring, as in the concert to marry him, Azerbaijan has been sent to the Earl of Selina a precious diamond table, any family that has been very valuable, so they and Mom doing what any ring, the mother and daughter insisted like a small, worn on the hand to facilitate not conspicuous.

To simple low-key,  air max TN is looking for Arab students in Western-style restaurant open only to invite both parents A total of 9 participants and sister have been familiar with the two people to talk to a joke, we feel good, like the completion of a long-awaited wish to become a family celebration, but only took a photo, to avoid static and dynamic leakage.

Taiwan "China Times" movement, the two friends said, engagement is any father's insistence that the betrothal ceremony, said to have openly together, but do not adhere to the traditional red tape, do not receive traditional practices employed by engagement. Yesterday, he was Dad said: 『marriage is a lifetime memories, I do not want them as the author in the past, constrained by traditional ethics. Two friends said, engagement is any father's insistence that" should open with the engagement ceremony, said, "but do not adhere to the traditional red tape do not receive traditional practices employed by engagement. any dad said yesterday: "Marriage is a lifetime of memories, I do not want them as the author in the past, constrained by traditional ethics. "

To simple low-key, A is found in Western-style restaurant to open the students, their parents and sister just invited a total of 9 participants, have been familiar with the two people to talk to tell jokes, we feel good, like the completion of a long-awaited wish of to celebrate as a family, but only took a photo, to avoid news leaks.

Echange their engagement only a small diamond ring, air max LTD for the concert to marry him, Azerbaijan has been sent to a precious Earl drilling Selina table, any family that has been very valuable, so they and any mom pick out a diamond ring, the mother and daughter insisted like a small, easy to wear without conspicuous in the hand.
Par pickreplica le lundi 03 janvier 2011


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