Nike recycles the old athletic shoes

Do not throw away old shoes, Nike can use its courts and track laying.

During the summer holidays this year are students, young people, Chaoyang District, Beijing, Shang Street Mall at the junction of the Nike air max 2009 store put up a prominent entrance sign: old shoes recycling. A pair of old shoes, Nike brand shoes in the purchase of new shoes arrived in 50, non-Nike brands are capable of reaching 30 per shoes.

The Direct from the Nike factory stores in China with the word "recycling old shoes," one sign of the Nike stores. From July 1 to August 15, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and other places of 31 Nike factories Direct Direct stores and 12 flagship stores, have played such a publicity card.

Nike in China, this is an experiment of environmental protection activities. "Young students during the summer holidays there will be a lot of time shopping." Nike spokesman Huangxiang Yan said China, Nike, China's young people want to wait and see about whether consumers are interested in your old shoes to wear to the collection point.

This is Nike has launched a 20-year recovery plan for the first time in China shoe trial. Since 1990, Nike will be launched in the United States "used shoes recycling" program, the program called Reuse-A-Shoe, Nike's global social responsibility program as part of Nike Go.

Reuse-A-Shoe in 1993 and extended to Canada, Japan, Australia and 11 countries and regions, more than 200 Nike Guide (factory stores), and some sporting goods stores and
universities. However, in these areas, Nike does not directly paid to the submission of old shoes to consumers, but to provide discount coupons, vouchers and other benefits. If the New York Nike Town, the owner in addition to dedicated in-store recycling bins outside each donated old shoes back to a Jiuzhe coupons to consumers.

In the past, because there is no implementation of the recycling program in the world, every year tens of thousands of sports shoes was mixed with ordinary garbage, the waste is sent to landfill, the implementation of the scheme, the Nike statistics the end of 2008, Nike, the global total of 21 million pairs of recycled shoes, and now Nike can be recycled in the United States each year about two million pairs of used shoes.

Initially, these recycled old shoes have been shipped back to Nike cooperation in both the United States for dismantling, processing and recycling plants. The two plants located in Memphis, the other in Tennessee. Later, Nike has found in Belgium can be processed scrap athletic shoes, a factory used to process recycled shoes from Europe.

United States is used in a Memphis factory called "slice-and-grind" of the technology, based on this technology, every pair of shoes will be cut into three pieces - Rubber (36300,530.00,1.48%) outsole, foam midsole and fiber upper, these sections will no longer be sent to grinding machines grind, and then purified. Belgium, in 2005 opened the first Mel Hout shoes for the whole plant ground into powder, and then through a complex series of separators to separate the powder after grinding and processing of materials into different uses.

Although the process is different, but their use is the same - those shoes after dismantling processed into three kinds of high quality Nike abrasive materials. A shoe outsole is made of ground rubber Nike, for the runway surface, gymnastics mats, playground surfaces and even the new Nike products, such as resistance to Ke Peige Withers or Jordan XX3 outsole, also on for some decoration, such as buttons and zippers; the other is made by a shoe midsole foam Nike grinding can be used as outdoor basketball and tennis courts below floor mats, and used in the indoor soccer field; also There is a fabric upper shoes from Nike made air max 24-7 fiber mill, used to make cushion, used in indoor venues in the plastic pitch and wood.

These raw materials processed by the unified purchase of Nike, and then donated to some remote areas and poor public State Sports Foundation, for the construction of soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis courts and the plastic track and other public sports facilities.

Chicago, Douglas Park Field Turf football field is one of the one. This and the United States by the Nike Foundation donated $ 500,000 soccer stadium built using old shoes Nike made of Nike Grind material processing, high performance, low maintenance surface of the young people free.

China also has a Nike donated the venue - located in the Dongdan Sports Park grass soccer pitch, basketball courts, rubber mats and plastic runway, all of its raw materials are transported from the Nike factory over the United States, spending the construction of the general court in the country 3 to 5 times.

According to Nike's estimates, the construction of a standard football field requires 50,000 to 75,000 pairs of recycled athletic shoes (small Futsal soccer also need 10000-20000 pairs), a basketball court or tennis courts 2500 pairs to be spent, and the laying of a standard runway, then at least 75,000 pairs.

But until this year, Nike has not been carried out this activity in China. Because Nike's sales in China before the multi-agent by the dealer until the last two years, Nike has started to increase direct sales stores building, which had to be carried out this activity.

Present statistics Nike in China, Chinese companies are the number of recycled shoes and assessment results, but have not decided how to dispose of these products were good shoes, because China is currently no processing plant these old shoes, as to these shoes sent to where the headquarters of Nike, in consultation with China is still hope soon to

come up with a solution, but will certainly use these shoes for the construction of sports facilities for recycle. Nike did not think China is a good old shoes in the future continue to implement recovery plans.

In fact, the design and manufacture Nike shoes in the beginning, it has been considering the future can be disassembled and the greatest degree of recycling. Established in 2000 under the Nike Considered design concept of environmental protection - to reduce toxic materials, reduce waste, increase sustainability, for all Nike brand footwear products in 2011 to Nike Considered to be the concept of environmental protection requirements.

Accordingly, in its new air max LTD products in recent years, Nike shoes, apparel and accessories in the large-scale use of organic cotton, recycled polyester, rubber and other environmentally friendly materials, environmental protection, design and manufacture of the Nike Trash Talk, Air Rejuven8 and a series of line with its environmental design new products.

"This is the case, whether it is Nike's own recycling, recycling processing companies or other societies, will not cause pollution." Huangxiang Yan said.

Par pickreplica le mardi 04 janvier 2011


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