Internet sales, a fortress imitation is tasted

July 13, the reporter the name of the consumer and a pat on the Internet called "product library is still" the shop contact with the owner through the QQ online communication. The Fujian network called "triple point of water," the shop owner said he opened shop two or three years, the monopoly sports and leisure shoes, bags, clothing and other accessories. From the online sales of brand point of view, there is Nike, Adidas, Converse, Puma and four international brands; from the price, the whole is greater than similar brands on the market cheaper than half.
Reporter: Nike sportswear and air max 2009 shoes, the price is not too expensive. I would like to ask, is not authentic? Triple point of water: not authentic, is a fine imitation. But the quality can be guaranteed.
Reporter: Where is produced, it will not be the Zhejiang goods. Triple point of water: Fujian. Reporter: Is there a genuine sell it? Triple point of water: to the store to buy genuine, you will be discouraged after seeing the price.
When a reporter asked whether the fear of the last, when investigating the business sector, the other half silent.
"Triple point of water," frankly, cottage imitation goods "disaster area", mainly clothing, bags, watches, cosmetics, electronic products, and the variety and number of far more than genuine. Journal reporter Taobao Swiss luxury goods belonging to men table Count quote machine, the brand's average market price is not lower than 10 million, while in the site, the reporter was found yuan sale product of more than 920 pieces, more than 160 million pieces. Subsequently, the reporters Nike air max LTD and Adidas to Chinese companies for consultation, the results were informed that the current two brand in mainland China has not set up online sales, only to the store to buy authentic brand. Staff that reflects the online counterfeit brand has received numerous complaints, corporate intellectual property departments have been working with the business sector with the crackdown, but strong sales momentum in the face of the Internet, appeared to be inadequate. They said, "The quality of the goods purchased online will not be accepted complaints."
Par pickreplica le mardi 28 décembre 2010


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